Le Savoir Vivre
For me, finishing school taught me how to grow as an empowered woman.
The old-fashioned art cultivating our inner beauty, confidence, and unique personal style, at any age.
Finishing school is not just about balancing a book on your head, how to hold a teacup, how to sit, cross your legs or behave. Finishing schools are educational institutions that teach young individuals social courtesy and upper-class cultural traditions to prepare them for the future and adult life. The finishing schools of today are nothing like the regimental boarding schools of the past. No longer the training ground for future colonisers — or Madame Colonisers — they now appeal to any woman, housewife or diplomat, whether she wants to avoid intercultural faux pas when travelling or be the hostess with the mostest. The Finishing School for Modern Women brings together women of all ages for empowerment classes and events to learn from experts and each other how to claim our power in business, finance, communication, and life.
The Finishing School was a popular concept in the first half of the 20th century in which young women were taught about elite class etiquettes and social graces. Such schools had a prime focus on personality development, and academics were considered secondary. The number one advantage of finishing school is that it allows the child in constructing or upgrading the…